GIZ_Piloting inclusive business and entrepreneurial models for smallholder fish farmers and poor value chain actors in Zambia and Malawi_Progress Report 3_January 2021 - December 2021

In summary, the project achieved the following:
1. Developed seed models, feed models and recruited and trained IBEMS for Malawi. Malawi recruited additional IBEMS and trained all IBEMS in a ToT event in early 2021. See attached powerpoints describing the validated seed and feed models for Malawi
2. Between mid-October 2020 and the end of December 2021, Hatchery Operators in Zambia have produced 805,177 fingerlings (worth EUR 41,206), and of these, they have sold 547, 832 worth EUR 28036. Six hatchery operators in Malawi have sold fingerlings worth EUR318.
3. Equipping IBEMS and providing broodstock: The project distributed 1626 broodstock in Malawi and 3100 broodstock in Zambia. Zambia purchased an additional 1000 female broodstock from commercial suppliers and distributed these to farmers to have better female to male ratios. An additional 550 broodstock was sourced from the tested and distributed in Malawi. Towards end of 2021, an additional 1500 was recruited, screened and will be distributed to farmers in January 2022.
4. Malawi team recruited additional hatchery operators after feedback from the Fisheries Department that some areas were underserved. These hatchery operators were trained and equipped, which will increase the availability of seed once they start producing.
5. Recruited broodstock Malawi and sampled broodstock to test TLV and EUS before distributing the broodstock to farmers
6. Developed, translated and tested training materials in English and Chichewa for Malawi.
7. Conducted a feed literature review and scoping study. The results of these studies were used
8. Hosted an online stakeholder meeting in Malawi and validated the feed and seed models 44 people participated. The meeting was attended by private sector, government representatives including from the department of fisheries, international organizations, NGOs and smallholder farmers. The meeting achieved its outcomes related to validation of the feed models and providing relevant information to stakeholders to create buy-in. Emerging from this meeting and through further engagement, participants requested that the project also do physical project launches in the districts when the COVID-19 situation permits.
9. A total of 47, 350kgs of feed was distributed to 23 feed operators in Zambia and Malawi. Within six months, feed operators in Zambia sold 93% of the feed they received through the project at market prices, and 5 of the IBEMs managed to buy more feed on their own for sale. Due to high demand of feed, one additional feed IBEM was recruited in 2021, bringing the total number of IBEMs to 41.
10. Hatchery Operator training and Trainer of Trainers in Zambia. All hatchery operators in Zambia were trained (see training reports). Forty-six participants (including both HOs and FOs) took part in the trainer or trainers workshop in Kasama, Zambia. All trained IBEMS expressed confidence that they will be able to train other farmers on BMPs for aquaculture and regarded the training as useful (see training reports). IBEMS in Zambia have trained 1, 290 farmers on Better Management practices (1012 of then trained by hatchery operators and 278 by feed operators)
11. Recruitment of new staff: WorldFish hired a Research Assistant and an intern in Malawi who started in March of 2021. This sped up implementation of project activities in Malawi.
Date Available
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