Growth and seasonal recruitment of Octopus maya on Campeche Bank, Mexico

Growth and seasonal recruitment of Octopus maya on Campeche Bank, Mexico
Arreguin-Sanchez, F. (1992). Growth and seasonal recruitment of Octopus maya on Campeche Bank, Mexico. NAGA 15 (2): 31-34
A study of growth and seasonal recruitment of the cephalopod Octopus maya on Campeche Bank, Mexico, was conducted, based on catch at size data sampled from 1983 to 1988. The parameters of a seasonally oscillating version of the von Bertalanffy growth function and total mortality estimates were obtained via the ELEFAN software. It was found that when recruitment occurs early in the year, the growth curve of the next year does not display seasonal oscillations, and conversely. Total mortality estimates ranged from Z = 2.6 to Z = 6.3/year.
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