Growth studies of sciaenids from Mumbai waters using the Bhattacharya method

Growth studies of sciaenids from Mumbai waters using the Bhattacharya method
Chakraborty, S.K. (2001). Growth studies of sciaenids from Mumbai waters using the Bhattacharya method. NAGA 24 (1/2): 40-41
Length frequency data of six sciaenids (Johnius macrorhynus, J. vogleri, Otolithes cuvieri, J. sina, Pennahia macrophthalamus, J. dussumieri) were collected from shrimp trawlers at New Ferry Wharf and Sasson Docks landing centers off Greater Mumbai (India). Growth parameters of these species were analyzed via modal progression analysis using Bhattacharya's method. Natural mortality (m) was estimated using Cushing's formula. Comparison of growth parameters was done using the 0' index. The growth parameters obtained were compared with the results of earlier growth studies which used other techniques. This study concludes that the growth parameters obtained are consistent with earlier estimates.
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