Have fish catches been declining in the Mekong River Basin?

Have fish catches been declining in the Mekong River Basin?
Baran, E.; Myschowoda, C. (2008). Have fish catches been declining in the Mekong River Basin?. p. 55-64. In: Kummu, M.; Keskinen, M. ; Varis, O. (eds.). Modern myths of the Mekong. Finland : Helsinki University of Technology.
This book chapter sets out to test the hypothesis that fisheries production has declined in the Mekong Basin. Despite the lack of clear evidence of a decline in the overall production of the Mekong fish catches in the past, there are such threats as industrial development, upstream damming, disruptive fishing methods and use of highly hazardous chemicals imported from neighbouring countries which may cause the actual decline in fish catch in the future.
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