Household socioeconomics, resource use and fish marketing in two thanas of Bangladesh

Household socioeconomics, resource use and fish marketing in two thanas of Bangladesh
Ahmed, S.; Abdur Rab, M.; Bimbao, M.P. (1993). Household socioeconomics, resource use and fish marketing in two thanas of Bangladesh. ICLARM Tech. Rep. (40): 81 p.
This is a report of a socioeconomic survey carried out on a sample of households from owners and operators of small waterbodies in two subdistricts in Gazipur, Bangladesh, to find out the benefits of aquaculture if introduced there. The findings indicate that improved aquaculture technology will benefit the owners and operators of the small water bodies, and that low-cost technologies for aquaculture must be promoted among poor and landless people in order for them to adopt aquaculture.
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