ICLARM and South-South technology transfer: Philippine aquaculture technology and Indonesia. Part II

ICLARM and South-South technology transfer: Philippine aquaculture technology and Indonesia. Part II
Costa-Pierce, B.A. et al. (1989). ICLARM and South-South technology transfer: Philippine aquaculture technology and Indonesia. Part II. NAGA 12 (1): 14-16
Details are given of the tilapia hatchery systems used in the Philippines i.e., the "hapa" floating hatcheries and the backyard pond hatcheries, and their applications in Indonesia. Experiments are being conducted in Saguling Reservoir, near Bandung, Indonesia using hapa hatcheries, holding broodstock and growout fingerlings in floating cages. This technology is showing great potential for reaching poor farmers who have little land or capital but adequate water and access to irrigation.
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