ICLARM five-year plan (1988-1992)

ICLARM five-year plan (1988-1992)
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (1988). ICLARM five-year plan (1988-1992). International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. Makati, Metro Manila. 2v
The ICLARM Five-Year Plan consists of two parts. Part 1 entitled Directions and Opportunities, contains detailed discussion of the Center's research, training and information programs. Part 2, which follows here, contains the projected annual budgets for these activities. The 1988 and 1989 budgets were approved by the ICLARM Board of Trustees at its December 1987 Annual Meeting. The Five-Year Plan in both its volumes was also approved at the same meeting. Annual budgets are expected to be revised from time-to-time within the Five-Year Plan period (1988-1992) to reflect the Center's financial position.
Date Available
Research Themes