Illuminating hidden harvests: The contribution of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development

FAO, WorldFish and Duke University are working in partnership with experts globally to revisit and build on the Hidden Harvest study in 2012. Encompassing the pre-harvesting, harvesting and post-harvesting sectors of inland and marine fisheries, the new study asks the questions: 1) What are the social, environmental, economic and governance contributions of small-scale fisheries at global and local scales? 2) What are the key drivers of change in these sectors, including both threats and opportunities? As with the first Hidden Harvest study, a case study approach will be used to engage with local expertise in priority countries that have substantial small-scale fisheries sectors or notable nutritional dependence on small-scale fisheries. The study will also take advantage of improved availability of relevant national and global datasets on fisheries, demographics, employment, fish consumption and nutrition in the synthesis and extrapolation process. The project will produce a major synthesis report in 2020. Thematic studies and possibly some country case studies will be published as separate reports and scientific journal articles where appropriate.
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Research Themes