Impacts of aquaculture development projects in Western Cameroon

Pouomogne, V.; Brummett, R.; Gatchouko, M. (2010). Impacts of aquaculture development projects in Western Cameroon. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 22(2): 93-108
To measure the impact of past projects on the sustained adoption and development of aquaculture, and to assess the potential for future growth, a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) based on the Research Tool for Natural Resource Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (RESTORE) of 100 farmers (62 with fishponds, 38 without) was undertaken between January and August 2001 in the Noun Division of Western Province, Cameroon. The average household of 14 persons possessed 5.5 ha of land. Educational level is low (less then 35% above primary, 24% illiterate). Most fish producers were small-scale farmers (79%). Of the 360 fish farmers possessing 445 fish ponds (250 m2 average surface area), only 23% were active. Production is primarily based on earthen ponds stocked with mixed-sex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) grown alone (42%) or in polyculture (54%) with the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Most ponds are poorly managed, containing underfed fish despite the availability of large quantities of agricultural by-products that could be used as pond inputs. Average annual yield is 1,263 kg/ha. Despite a number of aquaculture development projects over 30 years, there were no significant differences (P
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