Impacts of COVID-19 on aquatic food supply chains in Andhra Pradesh, India February - July 2020

We conducted a monthly phone survey with fish supply chain actors in Andhra Pradesh to assess the impacts of COVID-19 on the availability and price of aquatic foods and production inputs. Respondents answered questions about their activity between the months of February and July 2020. The sample totalled 137 respondents, comprised of the following: feed mills (1), feed sellers (18), fish hatcheries (10), fish and shrimp farmers (51), fishers (18), traders (21) and retailers (9). The areas covered included the districts of Nellore (32%), West Godavari (32%), Guntur (14%), Krishna (9%), Prakasam (9%) and East Godavari (4%). A complete overview of survey results can be accessed here.
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