The legal background to community based fisheries management in Bangladesh

The legal background to community based fisheries management in Bangladesh
The WorldFish Center (2007). The legal background to community based fisheries management in Bangladesh. WorldFish Center. Bangladesh. 11 p.
This booklet, produced as an output from the Community Based Fisheries Management Project - 2nd Phase (CBFM-2), aims to summarise the legal knowledge and experiences built up and challenges faced during the five years of CBFM-2 implementation. The project has established community control over 116 water bodies, spread over 48 Upazilas (sub-district) in 22 districts in Bangladesh. With 130 Community Based Organisations (CBOs), formed under this project, the communities were given the responsibility for management of 116 water bodies - government owned fisheries (jalmohals) and privately owned seasonal water bodies- closed beels , open beels, river sections and floodplains.
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