Management of fisheries, coastal resources and the coastal environment in Bangladesh: legal and institutional perspectives

Management of fisheries, coastal resources and the coastal environment in Bangladesh: legal and institutional perspectives
Habib, E. (1999). Management of fisheries, coastal resources and the coastal environment in Bangladesh: legal and institutional perspectives. Policy Legal Inst. Stud. Working Paper. (4): 112 p.
This working paper is a profile analysis of the legal, institutional, and policy mechanisms of Bangladesh in its management of fisheries and coastal resources. This is one of the major outputs of the project entitled "Management of Fisheries, Coastal Resources and the Coastal Environment in Indonesia: Institutional, Legal and Policy Perspectives". The overall objective of this project is to look into the elements that are instrumental in formulating the rights and rules (laws, customs, traditions etc.) which provide the legal, institutional and policy framework for the implementation of locally-based (resources) management systems in marine and coastal areas. Other names for these systems include "co-management", "community based management", and "integrated coastal resources management". Special attention is given to fisheries and other types of aquatic resources as well as coastal environmental protection.
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