Management plan for the Lake Nasser fishery: Stock assessment study

WorldFish (2018). Management plan for the Lake Nasser fishery: Stock assessment study. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Report: 2018-20
The decline in fish landings and the reduction in the marketing value of fish from Lake Nasser can be attributed to improper fishing practices and unsuitable fish handling. Such practices have a negative economic impact on fishstocks, fishers’ income, employment opportunities and the human food supply. With the support of assorted stakeholders, the Youth Employment in Aswan Governorate: Extension of Fisheries and Aquaculture Interventions project conducted a stock assessment study over two years to identify the salient features of the Lake Nasser fishery to better use its resources. The study provides valuable and up-to-date scientific information regarding the best management tools for researchers, policymakers and managers to ensure sustainability, efficiency and improved production and outcomes from Lake Nasser.
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