Mangrove rehabilitation and coastal resource management: a case study of Cogtong Bay, Philippines

Mangrove rehabilitation and coastal resource management: a case study of Cogtong Bay, Philippines
Katon, B.M. et al. (1998). Mangrove rehabilitation and coastal resource management: a case study of Cogtong Bay, Philippines. NAGA 21 (2): 46-52
The Cogtong Bay experience represents a bold attempt to pursue a shared responsibility between the government and local residents for rehabilitating coastal resources. Some of the factors that provided the impetus to co-management arrangements were the recognition of resource management problems, dependence on coastal resources for livelihood and the desire for more sustainable resource use. This paper draws attention to the importance of legitimate user/property rights, vigilant law enforcement efforts, common commitment among stakeholders and continuing support from local leadership in viable co-management arrangements.
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