Marine resources in Costa Rica

Marine resources in Costa Rica
Herrera, A.F.; Van Dam, A.A. (1997). Marine resources in Costa Rica. NAGA 20 (1): 7-12
Blessed with beautiful beaches, mangroves and coral reefs, fisheries in Costa Rica developed without a hasie resources management plan until the mid 1980s when protected areas were developed and integrated into the National System of Conservation Areas. With the boom in tourism as well as a decrease in fish landings due to overfishing, and an increase in pollution threatening the coastal areas, there is now a need for integrated management of marine resources. Costa Rica has made a deliberate choice for sustainable development. There has been a significant growth in scientific research, development of human resources as the technical and scientific level, stronger environmental legislation, and joint national and regional projects. What is needed for the future is good coordination and collaboration between the various institutions involved, namely the government, research and the resource users. Only then can Costa Rica continne to enjoy the "rich coast" that Christopher Columbus saw in 1502.
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