Marketing infrastructure, distribution channels and trade pattern of inland fisheries resources in Cambodia: an exploratory study

Marketing infrastructure, distribution channels and trade pattern of inland fisheries resources in Cambodia: an exploratory study
Rab, M.A. et al. (2006). Marketing infrastructure, distribution channels and trade pattern of inland fisheries resources in Cambodia: an exploratory study. WorldFish Center. Penang
Cambodia is the single most important supplier of fresh water fish to its neighboring countries in Asia, and to a limited extent in Australia, and USA. Over the past few years, fish exports from the country have been diversified to include freshwater fish, processed fish, other aquatic animals such as crocodiles and snakes along with marine fish. Despite the growing importance of fish trade in Cambodia, very little information is available on the fish marketing status, and on challenges and opportunities. This report explores the status and needs to develop market infrastructure from fishing ground to retail markets and export points, constraints to fish marketing and trade, status of fish handling and quality processing, species important for both export and domestic markets, price information and trade margins, and the over all supply chains to stimulate further in-depth study.
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