Medium term plan 2000 - 2002

Medium term plan 2000 - 2002
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) (1999). Medium term plan 2000 - 2002. ICLARM. Manila, Philippines. 110 p.
The International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) presents its Medium Term Plan (MTP) for 2000-2002 for the consideration by TAC and members of the CGIAR. The Plan has been developed in a period when there is growing public disquiet over the limitations of global fish catches from natural environments and the provision of adequate nutrition for the burgeoning human population, especially in developing countries. The current plan is an annual update of the plan for the period 1998-2000 and is based on the consultative development process undertaken in 1996 and 1997 which prioritized the institute's activities for the forthcoming three to five year 'period. Changes in the current plan are therefore the result of progress with prbjects in 1998, further projections for milestones in 2001/2 and the anticipated availability of donor support for the period. The plan describes research and research-associated activities amounting to US$14.39 million in 1999.
Date Available
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