Medium-term plan 2004-2006

Medium-term plan 2004-2006
The WorldFish Center (2004). Medium-term plan 2004-2006. WorldFish Center. Penang, Malaysia. 102 p.
This Medium Term Plan 2004-2006 presents the World Fish Center’s programs and partnerships and describes how they are designed to provide the scientific basis for multiple positive contributions that living aquatic resources (fish for short) can make to poverty eradication, food and nutritional security, and sound management of the environment. Building upon the WorldFish Center’s recent achievements in aquatic resources research and development, the MTP has been developed against the backdrop of world events in 2002-2003, particularly the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the review of the Millennium Development Goals in the recent Human Development report, and the ongoing trends of overexploitation, reduced production and increased demand for fish and other aquatic resources. An important achievement in 2002, which will be further developed over the next 9 years is the Fish for All initiative, launched during a global summit at the Center in November 2002.
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