Method of consensus building: community based aquatic habitat and floodplain fisheries management in the Mekong Delta

Method of consensus building: community based aquatic habitat and floodplain fisheries management in the Mekong Delta
The World Fish Center (2002). Method of consensus building: community based aquatic habitat and floodplain fisheries management in the Mekong Delta. ICLARM-The World Fish Center. Penang, Malaysia. 35 p.
ICLARM's experience in community based resource management in Bangladesh has showed that consensus building among all stakeholder groups in a community who use and benefit from the resources are an essential element of any collective action program. The Methods of consensus building initially developed in Bangladesh are now being applied in both Bangladesh and Mekong delta. This paper describes the process and outcome of a consensus building workshop conducted in a Vietnamese village in the Mekong delta as part of the community-based aquatic habitat management project.
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