Milkfish production dualism in the Philippines: a multidisciplinary perspective on continuous low yields and constraints to aquaculture development

Milkfish production dualism in the Philippines: a multidisciplinary perspective on continuous low yields and constraints to aquaculture development
Chong, K.C. et al. (1984). Milkfish production dualism in the Philippines: a multidisciplinary perspective on continuous low yields and constraints to aquaculture development. ICLARM Tech. Rep. (15): 70p
Determines and measures the constraints to the adoption of more intensive fertilizer application rates among Philippine milkfish farmers. Hypothesized 56 explanatory variables, categorized into socioeconomic, institutional, physical and biotechnical parameters to explain variations in fertilizer use. Focused on farmers' perceptions of constraints. Data from 447 milkfish farmers in seven provinces and from a previous survey of 324 farmers in seven provinces.
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