Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan: Development and Scaling of Sustainable Feeds for Resilient Aquatic Food Systems in Africa (FASA) project 2022-2027

The “Development and Scaling of Sustainable Feeds for Resilient Aquatic Food Systems in
Africa (FASA)” project is a 5-year project funded by NORAD and implemented by WorldFish.
The project is focused in three Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, where the aquaculture
sector is expanding and demand for fish is increasing. The growth of the aquaculture sector
has led to dependence on importing ingredients for fish feed supply and reliance on informal,
small-scale feed millers that provide inconsistent quality. The reliance on imports and
inconsistent quality food can be attributed to limited knowledge of in-country ingredients and
potential processing techniques for improvement.
For the FASA to achieve project goals and outcomes, it is necessary to have a Monitoring,
Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plan to ensure effective implementation and performance
measurement. This document serves as a framework that will be used for monitoring,
evaluation, and learning throughout the life of the project. The project activities, outputs, and
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan
outcomes are linked through the results framework, and show how the individual project
activities cumulate to end goals. Each activity, output, and outcome has defined indicators
and data sources. By organizing each activity with its intended output and overarching goal,
this framework will aid in tracking progress during the project and show whether the intended
outcomes of the project have been achieved as the project ends.
Date Available
Research Themes