Nutrition approaches of MYSAP Inland

The Multiannual Indicative Programme (2014–2020) identifies that approximately one third of children in Myanmar suffer chronic undernutrition (stunting), the nationwide prevalence of moderately underweight children is 32% and the average proportion of total household expenditure on food is 68%. Fish provides more than 70% of animal protein, with average consumption levels estimated at 20-40 kg per person per year. To meet the growing demand for fish, it is essential that Myanmar develops a sustainable aquaculture industry that minimizes potential environmental impacts and ensures aquaculture practices are socially acceptable and economically sound. The Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Programme (MYSAP) inland component is increasing the proportion of cultured affordable freshwater fish available in Myanmar markets. The Myanmar Sustainable Aquaculture Programme (MYSAP) is funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Department of Fisheries. WorldFish Myanmar is realizing MYSAP’s inland component under a GIZ grant agreement, with Ar Yone Oo, BRAC Myanmar and Malteser International as sub-contracted implementing partners.
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