Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA) in Odisha, India

WorldFish. 2024. Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA) in Odisha, India. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Fact Sheet: 2024-18.
The Odisha Community Tank Development and Management Society (OCTDMS), under the Department of Water Resources, Government of Odisha, is in the process of implementing the World Bank-funded Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA), which runs from 2019 to 2025. The project’s development objective is “to intensify and diversify agriculture production, enhance climate resilience and improve water productivity in selected cascades of Odisha.” The proposed project will focus on small and marginal farmers, Pani Panchayats, farmer producer organizations, Primary Fisher Cooperative Societies (PFCS) and other agricultural entrepreneurs, including women and other vulnerable groups.