Participatory action learning (PAL) : a manual and a compilation of pond and rice field fish culture PAL sessions plans

Participatory action learning (PAL) : a manual and a compilation of pond and rice field fish culture PAL sessions plans
Griffiths, D.; Janseen, J.; Dan, N.C.; Aleem, N. (ed.). (2005). Participatory action learning (PAL) : a manual and a compilation of pond and rice field fish culture PAL sessions plans. WorldFish Center. Penang, Malaysia. 120 p.
This manual, which focuses on pond and rice field ecosystems, is in two parts. Part 1 provides background information for trainers of farmers on using the theory of participatory action learning (PAL), provides a PAL sessionsheet format and gives recommendations for using PAL sessions. A selection of 14 ponds and 4 rice field fish culture PAL session plans is contained in part 2. This manual includes two types of PAL sessions: those which need facilitation only once, and those which farmers can use repeatedly as a diagnostic tool.
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