Population dynamics of Lysmata Ensirostris in the Kutubdia channel of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

Akhtar, A.; Mustafa, M.G. (2007). Population dynamics of Lysmata Ensirostris in the Kutubdia channel of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Science) 33(2):193-203
FiSAT (FAO ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools) programme was used to estimate population parameters of Lysmata ensirostris from length frequency data. The La (asymptotic length) and K (growth coefficient) were found to be 7.3 cm and 2.2/year respectively and the growth performance index (?) was found to be 2.069. An additional estimate of La Z/K was found to be 7.057 cm and 1.086 respectively. The annual rate of natural mortality (M), fishing mortality (F) and total mortality (Z) were found to be 8.44, 0.92 and 9.36 respectively. The selection pattern was found to be 5.642 cm. The stock of L ensirostris was not over exploited. This species is recruited in the fishery during April and August.
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