Preliminary results of integrated pig-fish and duck-fish production tests

Preliminary results of integrated pig-fish and duck-fish production tests
Cruz, E.M.; Shehadeh, Z.H. (1980). Preliminary results of integrated pig-fish and duck-fish production tests. p. 225-238. In: Pullin, R.S.V. ; Shehadeh, Z.H. (eds.) Integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems. ICLARM Conference Prcoeedings 4. 258 p.
A research project was initiated in 1977 at the Freshwater Aquaculture Center (FAC) of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) design a fish polyculture system that would provide the highest economic return, giving manure as the only nutrient source, 2) determine the maximum pig or duck stocking rate per unit area of freshwater fish pond, and 3) clarify the economics of the developed production system(s). This paper presents the preliminary findings from the first 180 day of a series of production tests.
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