Preparing for ICLARM's second decade: program and finances of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management

Preparing for ICLARM's second decade: program and finances of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (1986). Preparing for ICLARM's second decade: program and finances of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. ICLARM Inf. (5): 54p
The primary purpose of this discussion paper is to provide current and prospective ICLARM supporters with information about the Center's programs, particularly future directions both programmatic and geographic. In this sense, the document seeks to lay the foundation for the Center's second decade by reviewing in general terms what has been accomplished to date and which issues or approaches will receive priority in the future. A secondary purpose is to provide details of the Center's historical and present financial status, prospects for diversification of financial support and alternatives for attaining mini mum financial security.
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