Proceedings of the NEPAD: Fish for All summit, 22-25 Aug 2005. Abuja, Nigeria

Proceedings of the NEPAD: Fish for All summit, 22-25 Aug 2005. Abuja, Nigeria
New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) (2005). Proceedings of the NEPAD: Fish for All summit, 22-25 Aug 2005. Abuja, Nigeria. WorldFish. Penang. Malaysia
The NEPAD-Fish for All Summit was held on 22–25 August 2005 in Abuja, Nigeria, to draw global attention to the vital role of fisheries and aquaculture in meeting Africa’s development agenda. The Summit achieved its main objectives, which were: 1) to establish a shared understanding among key stakeholders from public, private and civil society sectors of the current status and likely future trends of African fisheries and aquaculture; 2) to agree on priorities for investment in the future development of fisheries and aquaculture in Africa within the context of the NEPAD program; 3) to agree future directions for research and capacity building in support of these investment priorities.
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