Proceedings of the workshop on locally-based management of natural resources (especially living aquatic resources)

Proceedings of the workshop on locally-based management of natural resources (especially living aquatic resources)
Torell, M.; Salamanca, A.M. (eds.). (2001). Proceedings of the workshop on locally-based management of natural resources (especially living aquatic resources). ICLARM. Penang, Malaysia. 43 p.
This book contains the summaries of various sessions presented at the "Workshop on Locally-Based Management of Natural Resources" held at Neak Pean Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia during 10-11 April 2001. The workshop discussed the important issues like (1) criteria for site selection, (2) recommendations on the general features of a "Community", (3) the process to define "Community" and (4) recommendations on size and shape of "management units" (pilot areas).
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