Project Start-up and Stakeholder Workshop Report Malawi: Piloting Inclusive Business and Entrepreneurial Models for Smallholder Farmers and Poor Value Chain Actors in Zambia and Malawi

On the 21st May 2021, the ‘Piloting Inclusive Business and Entrepreneurial Models project’ hosted a three-hour virtual stakeholders meeting to further develop and modify the fish seed and feed models, as well as to discuss how the project can be integrated into the existing roundtable in Malawi. The meeting objectives was to ensure stakeholders’ understanding of the objectives and purpose of the project, to update fish seed and feed business models, to outline areas the innovation platform can focus on, and to identify synergies with other projects and initiatives. Presentations covered information about the project, the seed and feed models, and the innovation platform. Participants included men and women smallholder fish farmers hosted by the department of fisheries officers, private sector, government representatives, local and international NGOs, and representatives from the universities.
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