Public and private partnerships in aquaculture : a case study on tilapia research and development

Public and private partnerships in aquaculture : a case study on tilapia research and development
Acosta, B.O.; Sevilleja, R.C.; Gupta, M.V. (ed.). (2006). Public and private partnerships in aquaculture : a case study on tilapia research and development. WorldFish Center. Penang, Malaysia. 72 p.
The book presents the findings of a study undertaken in Philippines during 2002-2004 to enhance the understanding of the evolving public and private partnerships and to determine their effects on sustainability and achievement of developmental objectives in tilapia research. It also discusses the development of collaboration between public and private institutions in tilapia research and development in Philippines, the key players and their roles, and the issues that need to be addressed for enhancing the impacts of partnerships.
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