Recherche et formation pour le developpement des systemes de production integree agriculture-elevage-pisciculture en zone tropicale

Recherche et formation pour le developpement des systemes de production integree agriculture-elevage-pisciculture en zone tropicale
Edwards, P.; Pullin, R.S.V.; Gartner, J.A. (1991). Recherche et formation pour le developpement des systemes de production integree agriculture-elevage-pisciculture en zone tropicale. ICLARM Stud. Rev. (16): 71 p.
There is a vast potential for Asia's numerous and needy small-scale farmers to enjoy the benefits of integration of aquaculture into farming systems. This publication attempts to create a framework for an interdisciplinary approach to research and education in integrated farming - a fusion of agriculture and aquaculture sciences.
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