Risk factors and opportunities of intensive shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) production in Bangladesh

Rahman, M. M. et al. (2019). Risk factors and opportunities of intensive shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) production in Bangladesh. In: The 2nd International Scientific Conference in Aquatic Animal Epidemiology (4 - 6 Nov 2019). Hua Hin, Thailand. Thailand: Kasetsart University. p. 65.
Shrimp aquaculture play an important role in Bangladesh economy. It provides livelihood of several hundred thousand small-scale shrimp farmers and about half a billion United States dollars export revenue each year. The production system in Bangladesh is mainly extensive and productivity is low compare to many Asian countries such as China, Thailand and Vietnam. In recent years, a trend has been observed towards intensive culture system to increase productivity of shrimp farms. The objectives of the study were to identify the risk factors and major development areas for intensive shrimp farming.
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