SAVE_SUCHANA: Ending the Cycle of Under-nutrition in Bangladesh_Quarterly Progress Report_April to June 2018

WorldFish is responsible for leading the fisheries component and half of the horticulture component of the program, promoting nutrition-sensitive fish and vegetable production systems to beneficiary households (BHHs). In collaboration with other Suchana consortium partners, WorldFish has supported around 60,000 HFP-BHHs for with nutrition sensitive horticulture from January to June 2018. Out of those, around 12,000 HFP-BHHs have received support in the second quarter. The support includes technical training, critical inputs like vegetable seeds, technical follow-up, alternative technologies such as tower gardening, sack bag gardening, and establishing connections with local market actors and service providers from public and private sectors. In addition to the horticultural support, 10,100 HFP-BHHs from phase 2 have also received basic technical training and 9,475 HFP-BHHs from Phase 1 have received refresher training on pond aquaculture. A total 4,884 HFP-BHHs have also received lime as part of their pond preparation process. The WorldFish team provided hands on training at the farm-level for 271 frontline program staff members involved in 20 unions. In collaboration with the implementing partners, WorldFish also conducted 140 linkage events at the field-level to demonstrate the results to Suchana beneficiary households. A total 7,645 participants attended 140 events during the reporting quarter. Members from the community (aquaculture and non-aquaculture beneficiary households), community leaders, different market actors and service providers from the private and public sectors attended the events including local fish nursery operators, fingerling retailers (patilwalas), feed sellers, vegetable seed sellers, fertilizer dealers and local elite such as Union Council members, creating direct relationships between the farmers and market actors. Despite considerable progress in most of the targeted activities, there were also some challenges. A significant number of the beneficiary households have been affected by recent devastating floods in Moulvibazar and Sylhet. Suchana management has conducted a damage assessment and to identify the rehabilitation processes for the beneficiary households. In the coming months, besides training, coaching sessions, and technical follow up, some critical inputs especially fingerlings, lime, and fish feed for the aquaculture and vegetable seed for the winter will continue to be distributed to strengthen field activities.
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