Scaling out enhanced floodplain productivity by poor communities: aquaculture and fisheries in Bangladesh

Scaling out enhanced floodplain productivity by poor communities: aquaculture and fisheries in Bangladesh
Collis, W. et al. (2011). Scaling out enhanced floodplain productivity by poor communities: aquaculture and fisheries in Bangladesh. The 3rd International Forum on Water and Food. Tshwane, South Africa. CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food.
Private lands in floodplains are vital components of inland natural fisheries but they are increasingly converted to culture-based systems. This raises fish productivity but can adversely affect the poor and biodiversity. Poor rural households can work together using innovative technologies to optimize overall seasonal floodplain productivity incorporating culture-based systems and/or by conserving natural fish, but this needs equitable institutions (floodplain committees) set up by the community to balance the interests of landless and landowners.
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