Smallholder farmers in Malawi adopt and improve technologies from collaborative research

Smallholder farmers in Malawi adopt and improve technologies from collaborative research
Noble, R.P.; Kadongola, W.K. (1990). Smallholder farmers in Malawi adopt and improve technologies from collaborative research. Aquabyte, 3 (3): 7-8
Details are given of the various new technologies demonstrated by ICLARM and the Fisheries Department in Malawito smallholder farmers, which include the following: 1) Use of Pennisetum purpureum as an alternative/supplement to maize bran as fish feed; (2) Creation of high quality compost from poor quality plant wastes as fish food or fertilizer; 3) Vegetable-pond integration using pond sediments and water for adjacent vegetable beds; 4) Integration of chicken and fish enterprises; 5) Pond stirring with a bamboo rake for lifting nutrients from the pond bottom into the water column; 6) Use of a reed fence for harvesting fish; and, 7) A smoking kiln for fish.
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