The status of stocks of groupers and hinds in the Northeaster Caribbean

The status of stocks of groupers and hinds in the Northeaster Caribbean
Munro, J.L.; Blok, L. (2005). The status of stocks of groupers and hinds in the Northeaster Caribbean. p. 283-294. In: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.-- Fort Pierce, Florida USA.
A survey was made of the status of stocks of groupers and hinds (Family Serranidae) in the northeastern Caribbean, principally in January and February 2003, coinciding with the principal spawning season of most species. The study area ranged from the US Virgin Islands in the west to Antigua-Barbuda in the south-east and was based on interviews and correspondence with fishers, fisheries officers and other knowledgeable individuals and catches observed at fishing ports and landing sites. Supplementary information included previous personal observations and unpublished notes.
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