Summary report of the Asian Regional Workshop on Carp Hatchery and Nursery Technology, Manila, Philippines, 1-3 February 1984

Summary report of the Asian Regional Workshop on Carp Hatchery and Nursery Technology, Manila, Philippines, 1-3 February 1984
May, R.C.; Pullin, R.S.V.; Jhingran, V.G. (eds.). (1984). Summary report of the Asian Regional Workshop on Carp Hatchery and Nursery Technology, Manila, Philippines, 1-3 February 1984. ICLARM Conf. Proc. (11): 38 p.
A summary report of the proceedings of the Asian regional conference on carp hatchery and nursery technology held in Manila, Philippines, on 1-3 February 1984, sponsored by the Asian Development Bank and ICLARM.
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