Technical report on the geographic information systems application for coastal area management and planning, Lingayen Gulf area, Philippines

Technical report on the geographic information systems application for coastal area management and planning, Lingayen Gulf area, Philippines
Geographic Information System for Coastal Area Management and Planning Project (1994). Technical report on the geographic information systems application for coastal area management and planning, Lingayen Gulf area, Philippines.
The provinces of Pangasinan and La Union border the 2,100 km2 Lingayen Gulf in northwestern Luzon, Philippines. The area was the pilot site of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation/US Coastal Resource Management Program for its first regional attempt to promote integrated coastal area management (CAM). The output of the CRMP was a CAM plan aimed at the sustainable development of coastal resources in the Lingayen Gulf area. Significant multiple resource use conflicts pervade in the gulf area which the plan is trying to mitigate.
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