Transformative changes sought for conservation of oceans, marine resources

Two International Day Celebrations were planned to build mass awareness who live adjacent to Marine Reserve area. Due to the pandemic situation no public gathering was possible. Therefore, IUCN in collaboration with WorldFish organized an online seminar/webinar to virtually connect various stakeholders from different levels of the society. The webinar was organized on 9 June 2020 to commemorate World Oceans Day 2020, on the theme “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean”. The webinar had a diverse group of panelists, including academicians, government officials, researchers, practitioners, communicators, artists and representatives of various national and international environmental bodies, where they laid emphasis on transformative changes, innovative actions for the conservation of oceans and marine resources. Speakers at the discussion highlighted the challenges and opportunities of the actions taken by both state and non-state actors in Bangladesh to conserve oceans and marine resources through education, communication and grassroots action.
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