Trophic model of the coastal fisheries ecosystem of the west coast of peninsular Malaysia

Trophic model of the coastal fisheries ecosystem of the west coast of peninsular Malaysia
Man, A. (2003). Trophic model of the coastal fisheries ecosystem of the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. p. 313-332. Assessment, management and future directions for coastal fisheries in Asian countries. WorldFish Center conference proceedings; 67
A preliminary mass-balance trophic model was constructed for the coastal fisheries ecosystem of the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (0 - 120 m depth). The ecosystem was partitioned into 15 trophic groups, and biomasses for selected groups were obtained from research (trawl) surveys conducted in the area in 1987 and 1991. Trophic interactions of the groups are presented. The network analysis indicates that fishing fleets for demersal fishes and prawns have a major direct or indirect impact on most high-trophic level groups in the ecosystem.
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