Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture: a manual for decision-makers

Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture: a manual for decision-makers
Arthur, J.R. et al. (2009). Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture: a manual for decision-makers. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 519/1. Rome, FAO. 113 p.
Aquaculture is a rapidly expanding sector of the global economy. Development of the industry under various national and regional jurisdictions has resulted in a diversity of regulatory frameworks. This manual has been produced in response to requests for guidance on the application of risk analysis with respect to aquaculture production. Aimed at decision-makers and senior managers involved in the sector, this manual provides an overview of the considerations for risk analysis in decision-making for all types of aquaculture, including the impacts of aquaculture operations on environmental, socio-political, economic and cultural values as well as the impacts to aquaculture from outside influences. This manual will promote wider understanding and acceptance of the applications and benefits of risk analysis in aquaculture.
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