University of Mississippi_From Harvest to Plate: An Analysis of the Aquaculture Post-Harvest Chain in Nigeria: Project Final Report
To support Nigeria fish sector development, the USAID Feed the Future Fish Innovation Lab (FIL) on Fish that is managed by Mississippi State University (MSU) [Innovate4Fish] awarded the Quick Start project entitled “From Harvest to Plate: An Analysis of the Aquaculture Post-harvest Chain in Nigeria”. This project aims to improve the contribution of aquaculture fish to the diet and household incomes of the Nigerian people, including poor and vulnerable women and children. The goal of the project is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the aquaculture post-harvest chain of Nigeria to better understand the fate of harvested fish from production to consumption. The Nigeria quick start project was jointly implemented by the Mississippi State University (MSU), the Washington University at St. Louis, and WorldFish from 1 January 2019 to 30 April 2020. The specific objectives of the project are:
1) Identify technologies and practices that provide income growth and improve diets, including post-harvest loss reduction
2) Identify and map the aquaculture market systems that improve productivity and reduce post-harvest losses of aquaculture fish
3) Identify gaps in the aquaculture post-harvest sector in Nigeria
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Research Themes