Waste management in the coastal areas of the ASEAN region: roles of governments, banking institutions, donor agencies, private sector and communities

Waste management in the coastal areas of the ASEAN region: roles of governments, banking institutions, donor agencies, private sector and communities
Chua, T.E.; Garces, L.R. (eds.). (1992). Waste management in the coastal areas of the ASEAN region: roles of governments, banking institutions, donor agencies, private sector and communities. ICLARM Conf. Proc. (33): 218p
This conference aimed to assess the severity of environmental threats of waste disposal to the ASEAN region's coastal zone; demonstrate technologies in waste management; explore ways in which international banking institutions and donor agencies could assist in waste management: and solicit the commitment of ASEAN political leadership in the effective enforcement of waste management schemes. The highlights of the conference were the adoption of the Singapore Resolution on Waste Management in the Coastal Areas of the ASEAN Region. the stronger commitment from policymakers, and the participation of private sectors in present and future waste management activities.
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