Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta: a heritage to conserve and treasure

Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta: a heritage to conserve and treasure
The WorldFish Center (2010). Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta: a heritage to conserve and treasure. Issues brief no. 2107. The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia. 6 p.
The wetlands of the Yellow River delta face a situation common in many developing countries where the quest for rapid economic growth brings development to the doorstep of natural ecosystems and threatens their health and survival. This brief examines the several issues relating to wetlands in the Dongying municipality. Can the wetlands in Dongying coexist with the modern development that is creeping towards them? Is there sufficient appreciation that these wetlands are worth caring for? How can Dongying achieve its aspiration to combine rapid economic growth with sound environmental management?
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