WorldFish Center in Malaysia

WorldFish Center in Malaysia
WorldFish Center (2006). WorldFish Center in Malaysia. WorldFish Center. Penang. 2 p.
The WorldFish Center is an independent scientific research organization that works to reduce poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture. It is funded by donations from governments and charitable foundations. The Center is one of 15 international research organizations of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). With offices across the globe, Malaysia is home to the headquarters of the WorldFish Center. Following a generous invitation from the government, WorldFish moved from its previous location in the Philippines to Penang in 2000. Beautiful new facilities were constructed on a 5.4 acre site adjacent to the Fisheries Research Institute in Batu Maung. The Center recruits extensively from its host country; 69% of headquarters staff are from Malaysia. The Director General of Fisheries, Malaysia, Dato’ Junaidi bin Che Ayub appointed October 2003, is an ex-officio member of the WorldFish Center Board of Trustees.
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