Teach a woman to farm fish...

1 minute read

Empowering and teaching women in developing countries to farm fish will go a long way to improving family nutrition and income, says Ranjitha Puskur senior policy advisor at WorldFish. Puskur delivered her presentation as part of the AgTalks series hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). AgTalks presents the latest thinking, trends and research on policies and innovations in small-scale farming.

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Empowering and teaching women in developing countries to farm fish will go a long way to improving family nutrition and income, says Ranjitha Puskur senior policy advisor at WorldFish. Puskur delivered her presentation as part of the AgTalks series hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). AgTalks presents the latest thinking, trends and research on policies and innovations in small-scale farming.