Partnering to protect our vital oceans

Posted by - 4 minutes read
June 07, 2017

Biodiversity, Conservation, Natural Resource Management, Ocean health

Against the tide: A FAD fit for Timor-Leste’s artisanal fishers

Posted by Mario Pereira - 5 minutes read
June 06, 2017

Asia, Coastal communities, Development, Food security

Can science save the Pacific’s threatened fisheries?

Posted by - 5 minutes read
May 31, 2017

co-management, Coastal fisheries, Governance, Pacific

Empowering youth to protect fisheries in Solomon Islands

Posted by - 4 minutes read
May 26, 2017

Coastal fisheries, Fisheries management, Pacific, Small-scale fisheries

Interview with IFAD specialist: How research can enhance development outcomes

Posted by - 5 minutes read
May 17, 2017

Africa, Development, Food security, Poverty reduction

Who needs a New Song? Moana film highlights real world issues for Pacific fishers

Posted by Jan Van Der Ploeg - 4 minutes read
May 11, 2017

Conservation, Development, Fisheries management, Governance

Research and training center supports growth of aquaculture in Africa

Posted by - 3 minutes read
April 28, 2017

Africa, Aquaculture, breeding, Development

Supporting small-scale fish farms in Myanmar

Posted by - 5 minutes read
April 13, 2017

Asia, Development, Fish farming, Myanmar

Myanmar aquaculture drives development, shows growth potential

Posted by - 5 minutes read
April 04, 2017

Aquaculture, Development, Employment, Myanmar

Cairo’s chefs take to farmed tilapia

Posted by - 5 minutes read
March 28, 2017

Africa, Aquaculture, Certification, Egypt

WorldFish DG explains ‘big agenda’ for new strategy

Posted by - 1 minute read
March 23, 2017

Aquaculture, Development, Fisheries, Livelihoods

Video stories to help families overcome gender-based challenges in Zambia

Posted by - 5 minutes read
March 06, 2017

Africa, Development, Gender, Livelihoods

‘Invisible’ fisher women of Bangladesh raise their voice

Posted by - 5 minutes read
March 03, 2017

Asia, Bangladesh, Conservation, Equity

Aquaculture and tilapia: a fish that may tip the balance

Posted by - 7 minutes read
February 14, 2017

Aquaculture, Tilapia

One-pot fish stew wins best savory recipe in contest

Posted by - 5 minutes read
February 06, 2017

Asia, Cambodia, Fish, Health

Fish farming brings food and nutrition security to Sierra Leone

Posted by - 4 minutes read
January 26, 2017

Africa, Aquaculture, Fish farming, Food security

Double fish production while preserving biodiversity – can it be done?

Posted by - 3 minutes read
January 19, 2017

Africa, Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Development

Aquaculture and the environment: Getting the balance right

Posted by - 5 minutes read
January 05, 2017

Climate change, Development, Egypt, environmental assessment

Carps genetic improvement programs and technology platform in Bangladesh

Posted by - 6 minutes read
December 22, 2016

Asia, Bangladesh, breeding, Genetics

Breakthrough fish feed solution holds promise for smallholders

Posted by - 5 minutes read
December 14, 2016

Africa, Aquaculture, Asia, Bangladesh

Improved tilapia breeding program in Egypt: A year in review

Posted by - 4 minutes read
December 02, 2016

Africa, breeding, Egypt, Genetics