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The dataset was collected from a sub-sample of private firms providing aquaculture services and products in Lusaka and Southern Provinces of Zambia, where the bulk of medium-to-larger scale private firms are located. The private firms identified for this assessment refer to key commercial players along the aquaculture value chain that are active and have the potential to invest in developing the aquaculture sector in Zambia, and specifically to be an important source of employment for students training in Fisheries Science at TEVET and higher-learning institutions. In addition, these firms, as their core strategy and mission, engage in profit seeking activities such as seed and feed supply, provision of equipment and other technologies relevant to the lower end of the market, and fish buying, processing, marketing, and sales (Di Bella et al., 2013). A semi-structured questionnaire was designed to capture the human resource training needs of 10 private firms sampled to take part in the assessment.

Kakwasha, Keagan
Cole, Steven Michael
Social Sciences