Date: Saturday-Thursday, 1–5 September 2024

Location: Shanghai, China



Context and WorldFish participation:

The Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) is a leading evaluation knowledge-sharing platform in the Asia and Pacific region that brings together government officials, representatives of international organizations, and evaluation experts interested in exchanging knowledge, sharing experience, and learning the latest innovations in evaluation.

AEW is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Finance, PRC, through the Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI), and the Asian Development Bank’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED).

WorldFish's Cristiano Rossignoli will present the Impact Evaluation Framework we’ve developed and used at WorldFish, particularly through our impact studies in Bangladesh. These studies have been pivotal in assessing our interventions' socio-economic and environmental impacts, providing critical insights into how our efforts contribute to sustainable aquatic food systems in the region.

Rossignoli will also present how we use WorldFish characterization studies to understand the diverse aquatic food systems and their socio-economic contexts. These studies involve the comprehensive assessment of various factors, including environmental, economic, social, and institutional aspects, within specific regions or communities. Their goal is to generate detailed insights that inform the design and implementation of targeted interventions for sustainable aquaculture and fisheries management.

By capturing a detailed snapshot of these factors, WorldFish can tailor its interventions to meet the unique needs of different communities, ensuring that initiatives are context-specific and more likely to succeed. The data gathered from these studies also feed into impact evaluations, helping to assess the effectiveness of WorldFish's interventions over time and they are an important public good by informing many actors on the sustainability of the aquatic food systems.


We look forward to your active participation.

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